
By J. I. Kleinberg

A bag of groceries lands on the roof.

Or maybe it was a pair of seagulls


in dull-thudding tumble, summer

a morsel in their mouths. A teacup


shatters on the sidewalk. Or maybe

it was the sparrow scolding her new-


fledged children whose eyes cannot

see the clever silhouettes of cats.


The typewriter, unattended, taps

out the first words of a poem. Or


maybe it was the downy woodpecker

hammering the trunk of the dogwood.


Morning cracks in half, a melon thrown

against the wall.

An artist, poet, and freelance writer, J.I. Kleinberg lives in Bellingham, Washington, USA, and on Instagram @jikleinberg. Her chapbooks The Word for Standing Alone in a Field (Bottlecap Press), how to pronounce the wind (Paper View Books), and Desire’s Authority (Ravenna Press Triple Series No. 23) were published in 2023.