The Greatest Show on Earth

By Bart Edelman

Scurry towards success,

One stint after another,

Until you’re ancient dust:

Filtered, minted, sifted.

But why not live off the grid,

Prize essence above all else,

Take a cue from the dead—

The greatest show on earth.


Yes, Barnum’s lost his Bailey,

And there’s hell to pay

In Lionville and Tigertown,

Where the ringmaster sleeps

Alone, clownless as they come.

Still, the circus must go on,

Tickets have been sold,

And the clock ticks faster

Than the crack of a whip.

Bart Edelman’s poetry collections include Crossing the Hackensack (Prometheus Press), Under Damaris’ Dress (Lightning Publications), The Alphabet of Love (Red Hen Press), The Gentle Man (Red Hen Press), The Last Mojito (Red Hen Press), The Geographer’s Wife (Red Hen Press), Whistling to Trick the Wind (Meadowlark Press), and This Body Is Never at Rest: New and Selected Poems 1993 – 2023 (Meadowlark Press). Most recently, he has taught in the MFA program at Antioch University, Los Angeles. His work has been anthologized in textbooks published by City Lights Books, McGraw-Hill, Prentice Hall, the University of Iowa Press, Wadsworth, and others.