Symphony of Stillness

By Marianne Brems

From three hundred sixty degrees,

a symphony of stillness emerges,

one that quiets the rustling

of moments jostling against one another,

one whose bars settle over sound,

one whose rhythm matches a heartbeat.


In this orchestra,

the settling of pollen plays bass,

the flight of a gull, bassoon

the unfolding of crimson columbine, piccolo

the ruffling of foxtail stalks, horn.


The sudden hum of a hungry bee

that swells and recedes

along its winding course in search of nectar

further grows this stillness

with a song all its own.

Marianne Brems is the author of three poetry chapbooks, the most recent In Its Own Time (2023). Her full length collection Stepping Stones is forthcoming in 2024.  Her poems have also appeared in literary journals including The Bluebird Word, Front Porch Review, Remington Review, and Green Ink Poetry. She lives, cycles, and swims in Northern California. Website: