
By Norman Gary Thomson

When our senior high maths teacher appoints Sarah Conners as this month’s Shaker, to rouse her bored classmates from escapist slumber, she knows she has opportunity to enwrap Charlie Wright’s heart. Thank you, sir – and your groany monotone.

Charlie’s pride negates any talk about the deeper cause of his fatigue. That his single mother and her new live-in have claimed his bedroom. “For his new recording studio,” she announces.

Momentarily before the bell, Sarah gentles her hand along Charlie’s shoulder, wobbles him into wakefulness. Her adoration quiets lingering miseries of amped guitars, sullen boyfriends. Offers him a silent, trusting haven.

Norman Gary Thomson lives and writes in Ontario, where in his rec moments he riffs Beatles and blues on his Hohner harmonica, and reads widely – eg. Ancient Greek tragedy, Norse sagas, medieval themed whodunnits. His flash and short fiction have appeared in various outlets.