Flowers and Chocolate Lady

By Claire L Frankel

I know a husband who said,

“You know, when years pass,

            A marriage becomes more like a business…

I do the cooking, my wife does the cleaning

We’re a team.”

I only remembered to tell him later,

            long after the opportunity had passed,

“Remember that dress she wore

            To your son’s Bar Mitzvah ?

Silver sparkles and blue sparkles

Clinging to her yoga body,

Her smiles and her blushes?

If I were you

I wouldn’t call that lady a business.

No sir!

That’s a flowers and chocolate lady;

that’s a champagne date night lady

…lest you risk losing her.”


On the other side of my family

there’s such a rare love

“My love…” she says to him

(and she means it)

She’s not a housewife

She’s a tenured law professor

“My love…” he addresses her

            (and HE means it)

At 93 and 81 they call

 “My love”

It’s humbling and inspiring.

Claire L Frankel: “For more than 40 years I supported myself in engineering, mostly by designing computer databases and managing teams of Data Modelers. I have also been writing poetry, since I learned what a poem was (about 60 years ago) and recently started publishing them. During boring corporate meetings, coffee breaks, lunchtime and downtime, I wrote poetry. I was so surprised at my first acceptances…or maybe it was just Beginner’s Luck. My first published poem, ‘Deskbound’ appeared in Oberon Magazine in 2019. My first chapbook, “Working Woman Poetry” was published by the gracious Leah Huete de Maines of the Finishing Line Press in October 2020. Also during Covid, I published a second chapbook “Plague Year Poetry,” while I was waiting for “Working Woman Poetry” to appear   And one of my Covid poems was included in the on-line journal of the Writer’s Institute of Albany, New York, sponsored by William Kennedy (“Ironweed,” “Legs,” etc.). Currently, I have a full length 228-page poetry book in the works, “Between My City and My Hudson River Valley,” and I am painfully learning the marketing process. I would like to thank Ilya Kaminsky, Adrienne Rich, Maya Angelou and Robert Frost for taking my breath away.”