
By Kajsa Ohman

Who on earth would use a word like

Palimpsest?     Who

Would make me scurry to

A dictionary when

I’m deep in reading, deep in following

A thought that’s built upon a thought

That’s from a picture of a thing

That sprang from an idea that someone

Birthed out of a zygote of

Awareness that in all of earth’s

Creations, there’s a single common

Substrate?      Oh well,

In fairness I admit that I

Should know this word, because

It’s what I am, and it

Is what you are. We’re layers

On layers of self-written history, and we

May well be nothing more, and nothing

Less, than palimpsest.

Kajsa Ohman spent 70 years of her life playing guitar and being a stage performer. Now, at 85, she feels it’s time to do something less physically demanding, such as write poetry and novels. Wish her luck.