Mystical Encounter

By James Shelley

On the metro park trail a woman with beautiful long grey hair approaches from the opposite direction and walks up to me, blocking my way. In the low-angled evening sunlight her green eyes appear to be gazing into my green eyes. I feel her breath. Why has this somewhat attractive woman veered into me?  Only a spirit would behave like this and I wonder if I have attracted a Crone who can use her supernatural powers to help me. There is something very familiar about her. Maybe she is not a Crone but actually me, a psychic projection of my anima.  But why would my inner female accost me on a metro park trail? Her eyes work back and forth as if reading a teleprompter. The setting sun gloams her face, skin perhaps too smooth for a Crone. This is getting uncomfortable.

Sunlight brightens and I realize she is actually reading my chest. I remember there is a cryptic math equation across the front of my t-shirt.  “I ate some pie!”, she exclaims, phonetically equating the trigonometric symbols. She shifts to the written part underneath the equation: “And it was delicious.” She nods with satisfaction. “Very clever”.

The mystery of me solved, she moves along.


James Shelley is a published author of non-fiction (many articles on the arts, and some social issues, in both scholarly journals and newspapers/magazines), short fiction (Great River Review, The Gamut), and poetry with Lakelander, Iconoclast, Peacock Review, Sandy River Review, Toasted Cheese, and Thema (Summer 2025). Also winner of an Ohio Arts $5000 grant for my short story, The Lion’s Den. His novel, The Deep Translucent Pond, was published by Adelaide Books (Brooklyn, NY) in February 2022. He teaches Humanities at Lakeland Community College in Kirtland, Ohio.