
By Jonathan Fletcher

cell                  cell                  cell

            you                  you                  you

me                   me                   me

            us                    us                    us

one                  one                  one     

            cells                 cells                 cells

breast             breast              breast

            lump                lump                lump

tears                tears                tears

            hair                  hair                  hair

loss                  loss                  loss

            cut                   cut                   cut

zap                  zap                  zap

            shrink              shrink              shrink

rest                  rest                  rest

            heal                 heal                 heal

scars                scars                scars

            hair                  hair                  hair

strength           strength           strength

            grow                grow                grow

learn                learn                learn

            check               check               check

sigh                 sigh                 sigh

            hug                  hug                  hug

heart                heart                heart

            health              health              health

years                years                years

            live                  live                  live

love                 love                 love

            spread              spread              spread

Jonathan Fletcher holds a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from Columbia University School of the Arts. His work has been featured in numerous literary journals and magazines, and he has won or placed in various literary contests. A Pushcart Prize nominee, he won Northwestern University Press’s Drinking Gourd Chapbook Poetry Prize contest in 2023, for which he will have his debut chapbook, This is My Body, published in 2025. Currently, he serves as a Zoeglossia Fellow and lives in San Antonio, Texas.