The Psalm Of Wonder

By Nolo Segundo

As a child

you wondered,

you wondered all the time–


You wondered how tall

was the sky, and

how did the clouds

become elephants and

dogs and eagles and

you wondered how Santa

could move so fast,

being so fat and old,

yet still he got round

the world in just one

night, a sacred night.


You wondered how

grown-ups got so big

and why you were so

little… and when sex

swept suddenly over you,

stealing the last remnants

of your childhood, you

wondered how you would

ever, could ever approach

the one you desired….


Then you wondered what

turns your life would take,

what work, what play,

what friends, what family

you might have, and would

you meet the mark….


As decades climbed one

another, you wondered

how lay the land of old age,

and you wondered ever more

about what dying meant, and

most of all, you wondered

about God—and realized

all your wondering was

really just about Eternity…


Nolo Segundo, pen name of L.J. Carber, 77, in his 8th decade has had poetry published in over 200 literary magazines/anthologies in 16 countries. has released 3 collections on Amazon: ‘The Enormity of Existence’ [2020], ‘Of Ether And Earth’ [2021] and ‘Soul Songs [2022].. These titles reflect the awareness he’s had for over 50 years since having an NDE whilst almost drowning in a Vermont river: That he has, or is a consciousness that predates birth and survives death, what poets since Plato have called the soul.