Popcorn & Tidal Waves

By Sarah Karowski

for Taylor


We would laugh all night, trading swigs

from a bottle of the cheapest strawberry wine

 we could find.


We’d joke until our hearts hurt & then

some more: It’s going to be better, one day, right?

Of course.


When we cried, we curled up on the couch

that didn’t fit both of us. we let air

stir musky, cushion wet salty—


When we were angry, your tsunami met my hurricane.

For the sake of the world, we couldn’t be near

each other. You always knew that.


But our calm is a field of sunflowers

& you’re teaching me to twist

them into a crown.


The afternoon sky is all shades

of orange & pink & tomorrow

doesn’t exist.


When you’re gone, the air is empty of melody

& I can’t buy strawberry wine & everything

scares me, or maybe nothing does


because clarity is your best friend’s arms

wrapped around you whispering lies in your ear:

It’s going to be better, one day, right?

Sarah Karowski (she/her) holds an MFA from Mississippi University for Women and teaches English at Tallahassee Community College. Her work has been featured in magazines like Drunk Monkeys, The Elevation Review, and COALESCE Community, as well as anthologies with Five South, Moonstone Arts Center, and Quillkeepers. Sarah currently lives in Tallahassee, Florida, with her found family and two dogs. She spends her free time trying to call dragonflies to her telepathically.