Shade and Shadow

By Taye Carrol

In the quietude where light begins to falter

Shadows emerge, artisans of the unseen

Crafting contours from the absence

Not darkness, but the depth of a canvas untouched by glare


These silhouettes, they speak in soft whispers

Tales not of voids, but of forms incomplete

A language of contrasts, fluent in halves and hints

Where the unseen is not unspoken

But rather, unvoiced in the radiance of day


There is solace in the duskiness

A gentle cradle for weary eyes

That have gazed too long into the relentless sun

A respite where the world softens

Edges blur, and the harsh lines of reality

Are smoothed into gentle suggestions


In this interplay, the symphony of chiaroscuro

Perceptions are not cast but invited

To dance with the ambiguity of twilight

Where shapes are born of both presence and absence

And the world is understood not as binary

But as endless gradients between extremes


Consider the oak, how it stands, stoic

Yet beneath its boughs, a tender darkness grows

An invitation to see not just the tree

But the space it holds within the world

The quiet power of a shape defined by what surrounds it

Rather than by what it is


Here, in this harmony of shadows

Inspiration is a creature of the dusk

Born from the womb of in-between places

Where the unseen becomes the most palpable

And the overlooked, the foundation of all vision


We find beauty in these shaded realms

Not for the darkness itself

But for the way it shapes our seeing

How it teaches our eyes to discern

The subtle play of existence

To embrace the full spectrum of being

Where every absence is a presence waiting

And every shadow, a path to understanding


In the mosaic of light and dark

We are all artists and observers

Crafting our perceptions from the contrast

Learning that in the balance of what is and isn’t

Lies the truest form of sight

Taye Carrol is a psychologist by training, and a fiction and poetry writer by choice. Her short stories and poetry have been featured in Siren’s Call, Haunted Waters Press, Weirdbook Magazine, Zero Fiction, Haiku Hub and Dead Poets Live among others. She serves as Managing Editor (Serials, Novellas) for LVP Press and is Editor in Chief for Mental Gecko and Promposity, both of which she founded. She is about to release her new poetry collection, “A Thousand Goodbyes”, which traces the journey between mother and daughter over the course of her mother’s final weeks.